5月19号——22号 南通海安大剧院
6月11号——14号 常州凤凰谷大剧院
9月27号——30号 太仓大剧院
“竹”为四君子之一,代表了中国人崇尚的气节、风骨与不屈的精神。“咬定青山不放松,立跟原在破岩中。千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。” 是为竹之魂。
Heavenly Tune of Chinese Flute
A traditional Chinese instrument musical staring Chinese performing artists
Dizi in Chinese is a type of magical Chinese traditional instrument, which looks simple in its appearance but can sound so expressive of very fine human feelings and moods.
As the legend goes that an ancient Chinese emperor asked Ling Lun(legendary forefather of the music art of China) to create the temperament and laws of music, which revealed the earliest aspiration for and initial aesthetics of music coming from the ancient Chinese.
The Dizi(Chinese bamboo flute) as we called it today originated from its earliest predecessors bird bone-made flutes from which we also learn that the ancient people killed other animal for their survival. It took thousands of years that the bird bone-made flutes gave their ways to the well developed bamboo flutes well known today. The change and evolution of the seemingly simple traditional Chinese flutes also tell the long story of Chinese civilization.
The evolution and development of the traditional Chinese flute embody some sort of spiritual essence of humanitarianism in which we can see birds can enjoy their freedom in sky and human beings created heavenly tunes inspired by the sounds of the mother nature. Tian Lai as called in Chinese for heavenly tunes(divine music) has its Chinese hieroglyphic word from Zhu Zi(bamboo said in Chinese). Ancient people believed that Tian Lai is a heavenly tune or divine music pregnant and produced by the nature itself. This counts for the saying heavenly tune played with bamboo flute could only be heard in heaven, so rare in a worldly world.
Bamboo is one of the four elites in Chinese philosophical culture, literature and art, representing the spirit of integrity, strength and indomitable dignity advocated by the Chinese. This spirit is compared to the green hills ruled by everlasting standing green pines rooted in the inhospitable rocks, which show their incredible viability. as the pine tree, bamboo means more in the sense of Chinese philosophy.
演奏:蒋国基 唐俊乔 华体会在线登录竹笛乐团
第一幕逐 宍
Act 1 Hunting
In the wilderness, the agitating sounds of drums and flutes rush from far and near with the screaming vocals, fleeing birds making terrified calls and shrill whine. The excited ancient hunters are shouting cut bamboo! make weapon! shoot and Kill!
The human shouting overwhelms the crying of animals.
The joyful hunters sitting around the bonfire share their hunts. Lin Lun, the forefather of Chinese music, together with the tribal chiefs, plays some simple tunes at the accompaniment of the crowds beating a kind of rhythm. Crying and lamenting birds circling and fluttering in the sky, flee in all direction in terror against the human shouting.
An unworldly flute tune coming down from nowhere brings out the goddess of music in the moon light, who plays a tune of lament for the dead animals. Her flute playing touches the human hearts.
The goddess of music fades away in the music she plays and makes the humans indulged in her music at a sudden loss.
第二幕 作 律
Act II
Making of music temperament and law
In a moonlit night, the sky is fully dotted with shining stars.
Lin Lun was trying with various bird bone flutes to imitate the tune he hears from the goddess of music and just fails. He is very much disappointed and annoyed by the broken tunes he makes.
Goddess of Music suddenly appears right in front of him and plays again the tuneful music that leads Lin Lun to watch, hear and understand the mother of nature.
Day breaks and the sun rises.
Under the direction of Goddess of Music, Lin Lun enters the bamboo forest where the light and shade in the tuneful and rhythmic singing of all kinds of birds create a symphony of nature.
Charmed by what he sees and hears, Lin Lun just cannot wait to play his bird bone flute with excitement. To his dismay, the sound he produces makes the terrified birds flee in horrible terror.
Goddess of music gently plays a different tune with her elegant fingers dancing on her flute. A bamboo flute appears in the air, the goddess of music takes the flute and gives it to Lin Lun.
Under the leading of the goddess of music, Lin Lun plays this magical flute and produces a beautiful and charming tune that makes the terrified birds calm down and listen to his playing.
The gracefully moving bamboos in the wind accompanied by the flute music portrays a picture of rippling ocean waves, and birds flying joyfully above the bamboo forest portrays a picture of seagull sliding on the tips of ocean waves.
A vivid and harmonious concerto is created by the music produced by the goddess of music, which is mixed with the sound of mother nature.
第三幕 竹 韵
Heavenly Tune of Bamboo Flute
The tranquility of the deep and dense bamboo forest dotted with pavilions sporadically seen here and there makes one find himself or herself in a fairy land. The bamboo flute duet by the Goddess of music and Lin Lun seems to make the light and shade dance with sentiment.
In the twilight, a maiden is humming an elegant and sentimental tune Spring is to come.
wind blows and rain falls, a man walking stately in the rain sings just walking with pleasure even if it rains cats and dogs .
The rain eventually gives way to a blue sky, the crystal like rain drops run on tree leaves.
The charming flute tune sounds like it can reach the heaven. The flute player produces all kinds of magical sounds, the gentle vibrato sounds like rippling water running , glissando sound portrays a picture of dragonfly playing with water, pizzicato and staccato sound produced by attacking the sound hole of the flute remind one of hearing frog calls.
Goddess fades away in the bamboo forest and transforms herself into a bamboo standing elegantly.
第四幕 天 籁
Act IV
heavenly tune
(adopted and transcribed from the bamboo flute trio zhuzhici ballad composed by Guo Wen Jing)
birds disappears in the mountains and not a single soul can be seen on the beaten roads here and there. Only green bamboos stand gracefully in heavy snowing, never loose their color of green.
The falling snow flakes keeps pressing the bamboo grooves but never can bend them down.Instead, the bamboos bounce back and create a snow rain.
The everlastingly standing bamboos always give an air of elegance and dignity.
The ground has thawed, spring rain comes now and then.
Growing rivers collecting water from their adjacent brooks runs forwards.
Spring brings back warmth and the seasonal birds return.
Birds are performing courtship and building their love nests.
The chirping baby birds grow fast, soon learn to take off and fly high.
Godess of music is gliding down gracefully, attracting birds flying towards her, joyfully flying and fluttering. In no time, a huge flock of birds fly in formation led by the goddess of music. They fly over and across beautiful mountains and rivers and finally disappear in distance.